Δευτέρα 30 Νοεμβρίου 2015

New command - BOMB Putin ...

Russian leader Vladimir Putin instructed ...
to mobilize 150,000 soldiers on Syria with the aim to "wipe out" the ISIS. The feature of the case is that this information is derived from the Arab press which makes them even more important.

It prepared a massive military operation to take control of the bulwark of the terrorist organization, the Raqqa. It is estimated that in Raqqa, which has self-proclaimed capital of ISIS, have shelter about 5,000 terrorists.

INCREDIBLE: student committed suicide because she was allergic to WiFi

A schoolgirl from England was found dead in the woods ... after an allergic reaction suffered because of the WiFi of the school.

 Parents of 15 year old Jenny Fri, claiming to be suffering from electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), which caused her to suffer daily fatigue, headaches and bladder problems.

Her mother, Ntepra, said the hearing Jenny had been severely affected by the wireless Internet connection at school in Chipping Norton School in Oxfordshire, where he was a student.

After the deterioration of symptoms, which led to depression and which were never investigated by a doctor - the schoolgirl was found hanging in Brooke Woods, near her home in Chadlington, on 11 June this year. Earlier in the day, he had sent a message to a friend, telling her that it would go to school that day.

Ms. Fry and her husband, Charles Newman, told the court in Oxfordshire, that their daughter became ill because of WiFi, and for this reason it was removed and the internet connection at home. "Both Jenny and I were fine at home, but my daughter continued to be sick at school."

"He took many medicines to prevent her attention in class distracted, but often he used to work outside the classroom in order to be able to work." "I gathered a lot of evidence which showed to the school director, to show him that the WiFi is dangerous, but he said there also is evidence that the connection to WiFi was safe. "

"I also had a heated debate with their teachers, when I told them that Jenny was allergic to WiFi and that it made no sense to isolate rooms that made him feel every day more and more depressed. "We had made some allusion to suicide, I think it was a cry for help."

Parents Jenny's now struggling to remove WiFi from kindergartens and schools, and calling on the government to assist in their efforts. "I'm not against technology, but I believe that schools should be aware that some children are sensitive to this so it should reduce its use."

This is the job that even with 5,500 euros a month, would not you have done!

No work is not ashamed, this we know. However some tasks seem to be unbearable, boring, tedious and difficult.

Initially we are talking about work 12 hours a day. Despite 5,500 euros a month, few want a job like this. This aviary is anxious to hire people to investigate the sex of newborn chickens.
It takes three years to learn the differences between male and female chickens, to become an expert and judge within 3-5 seconds. Employment concerns 800-1,200 small birds a day success rate of 97-98%!

How do you explain the de-ga-butane and other nine tricks of the mind?

We all have an experience of various emotions and thoughts we experience ..
occasionally. Some things we say or do at the same time we feel that we have said before or that we have ever done. We feel that ... we relive the moment or that we know what to tell the other before said, and the like. Let's look at the 10 most strange phenomena that occur at times in our minds!

1) Deja vu The Déjà vu is the experience of having experienced or seen a new situation previously. To feel the event has already happened or is repeated. The experience is usually accompanied by a greater sense of intimacy a feeling of strangeness Mr. or strangeness. The "previous" experience is usually attributed to a dream, but sometimes there is a constant feeling of having really happened before.

2) Deja Vecu The Déjà vécu is what most people experience when they think experiencing deja vu. Déjà vu is the feeling you have when someone has seen something before, whereas déjà vécu is the experience of having seen an event before, but in great detail, such as recognizing smells and sounds. This, too, is usually accompanied by a very strong sense of knowledge about what's going to happen next.

3) Deja Visite The Déjà visite is a less common experience and involves an uncanny knowledge of a new place. For example, you may know the location around you (a new town or a landscape) despite the fact that he never visited. You know, namely, that it is impossible for you to have this knowledge and yet have it.

4) Deja Senti The Déjà senti is the phenomenon of having already felt something. The phrase "that I re-discover" perfectly captures the Deja Senti. This is only a mental phenomenon and seldom remains in our memory later. Many epilepsy sufferers often experiencing deja senti.

5) Jamais Vu Jamais Vu This describes a familiar situation that we do not recognize. Often considered to be the opposite of déjà vu. The observer does not recognize the situation despite knowing that attended it. Like when a person momentarily does not recognize a face, a word, or a locus although actually knows.

6) The Presque Presue Vu Vu is very similar to the feeling in the "tip of the tongue". When one is ready to say a word but hang his mind and was not coming out.

7) L'esprit de l'escalier L'esprit de l'escalier is when comes an idea, a clever thought when it's too late. It is known to us "after the event".

8) Capgras Delusion The Capgras Delusion is a phenomenon in which a person believes that a close friend or a family member has been replaced by an identical looking and one who cheated. This illusion of encounter in people suffering from schizophrenia.

9) Fregoli Delusion The Fregoli Delusion is a rare brain in which a person has the belief that different people are the same person in a variety of disguises. Often associated with paranoia and the belief that the person you are disguised attempts to persecute them.

10) Prosopagnosia The Prosopagnosia is a phenomenon in which a person is unable to recognize people's faces or objects ought to know. People who have this disorder are usually able to use other senses to recognize individuals - such as fragrances a person, shape or style of their hair, the sound of their voice, or even their walking. A classic case of this disorder presented in a book in 1998 called "The man who mistook his wife with a hat."

Goosebumps ... Everything you need to know about the number seven

Coincidence repeated ceases to be a coincidence. Again, the number 7 is many ...
historical anafores.Apo the 7 wonders
world, four were in Ancient Greece and 3 outside. The numbers 3 and 4 also had symbolic significance for the Greeks.

- The ancient Greeks divided the world's oceans in 7 seas: The Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, the Black, the Red, the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf.

- The Pythagorean considered 7 perfect number because it is the sum of 3 and 4 corresponding to perfect shapes, triangle and square.

- The ancient Greeks recognized seven as the mysterious number for geometric properties, eg 7 points can not create symmetry in a circle!

- Philoctetes sailed with 7 armor ships to Troy in order to defend the Greeks during the Trojan war.

- The tragedy of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes recounts the campaign of seven Greek kings in Thebes, the City of seven poles!

- The metals in Antiquity knew was 7: Gold, copper, lead, tin, mercury, silver, iron. These underlying the evolution of civilization!

- The seven in Antiquity! In ancient Sparta education of boys began from the age of 7!

* The seven planets were known in ancient times were: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Moon.

* According to Homer, Apollo had seven herds of cattle.

* In Ancient Egypt one of the first meteorological systems described 7 different climates, dividing the world into meteorological zones.

- The ancient Greeks divided the anatomy of the human body into seven parts: head, chest, stomach, two hands, two feet.

- The 7 occurs frequently in mythology: seven are the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas and Plionis, corresponding to the seven visible stars of the constellation of the Pleiades!

- The number seven often appears in Greek Mythology: The lyre of the ancient God Apollo had seven strings.

- The seventh day of creation is that of the rest of the holiday and symbolizes completion and perfection!

- The number seven appears frequently and in religion. 7 are the Christian virtues: mercy, humility, purity, altruism, grace, kindness, industriousness.

- The seven in religion! According to the Bible, Noah took the Ark of 7 pairs of every kind of bird.

- The number 7 is used 70 times in the Old Testament!

- Muslims are entitled to have seven women according to the Quran.

- The independent Vatican State was established on 7/7 1929!

- 7 parts of the body decorated with jewels: The head, neck, hands, feet, ears, nose and waist.

- In science there are 7 energy fields in the human body and are located along the spine!

- Each phase of the moon lasts seven days.

- In China believe the seventh day of the first moon of the year, is the birthday of mankind and all celebrate birthday that day.

- The Chinese philosophy considers fundamental elements as follows 7: Air, water, metal, ether, fire, wood, and earth.

- The number seven appears frequently and Mythology. Odysseus before returning home to Ithaca, he stayed on the island of Calypso seven years.

- The seven in Geography! 7 is the Ionian islands: Corfu, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Ithaka, Lefkada, Paxos and Kythira.

- The number seven appears frequently with symbolic meaning in the famous book series Harry Potter - who indeed will consist of seven books.

- 7 is the Byzantine musical notes: PA BOY, FR, DE, KE, ZO, NH.

- The seven names given in Istanbul are: Constantine City, New Rome, Antonia, Treasure of Islam, Separator of the World, Istanbul, and Istanbul.

- Our mind can measure instantaneous and accurate to Mr. 7 items even if the look for a fraction of a second.

- The Rainbow consists of the following seven successive colors: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and violet.

We see it? that this number hides something special ... but certainly after mystery from ancient times until today, scars in his own special way our life.

Natural disaster, killing Snow in Britain! See what's coming ... "

Winter "intrudes" on Old Albion. The Clodagh storm moved from the Atlantic to Britain, the last 24 hours by scanning with gusty winds and heavy rains large segments.
Snowfalls have occurred in the northern regions, including the Cumbria area. The weather bureau has warned of extreme weather and causing alarm for flooding. Some parts of the Old Albion will look at one day only rain one month, as the Daily Mail speaking of Black Monday, citing photos from the "entrance" of the storm in the country. In some areas they canceled many events, especially Christmas.

THESE ARE leveling: The Russians burned 600 Islamists living in the new bomb FOAB!

They were warned that they will do and they did yesterday with the result to be scary!
The reason for the Russians who continue to bombard targets of Islamists and yesterday did practice their warning that will unleash the final blow to the Father of All Bombs!

H So Russia bombed the Islamists in Deir Ezzor and other Syrian cities using "father of all bombs" the FOAB, a weapon of incredible power thermogravimetric equivalent to tactical nuclear strike! The result was a hit 600 Islamists killed! Simultaneously Russian special forces chasing Turks and Turkmen in the mountains near the Syrian-Turkish border and the Islamists in raccoons burned alive: bombed with incendiary bombs.
The attack confirmed by the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Soigkou.

«H Russia launched cruise missiles against positions of the ISIS in Syria by warships in the Mediterranean and the Caspian Sea, only a rocket killed 600 terrorists in Deir Ezzor»